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ST Math


We are excited to introduce Spatial-Temporal (ST) Math to all students in San Mateo-Foster City School District! Student's K-8 will have access to this additional program via their student Chromebooks. In the students "Bookmarks Bar", there is the Classlink portal link available. In the portal, students will have Jiji the Penguin appear with the title "ST Math." Click on Jiji and have fun playing some math puzzles and activities. As a district, having these additional resources to be interactive with parents or guardians is paramount to their academic success. Tell your student to grab their Chromebook, get comfy, and play with Jiji the Penguin!

ST Math Flier_Classlink
ST Math Flier_Classlink_Spanish



ST Math - Parent Guide

ST Math Parent guide in English

Facilitating Questions

cover for the Facilitating Questions on ST Math English

ST Math - Guía para familias

Preguntas de Ayuda

cover for the Facilitating Questions on ST Math in Spanish

ST Math Research