Special Education
Special Education Contacts
Special Education Contacts
Heather Morgan
Director of Special Education
Kaci St. John
Assistant Director of Special Education
Kira Walsh
Assistant Director of Special Education
Monique Arbuckle
Coordinator, Special Education
Robin Suttle
Coordinator, Special Education
Jennifer della Gatta
Program Specialist
Alyssa Baker
Program Specialist, Preschool
Jamie Edson
Administrative Assistant, Preschool Intake
Stacey Alioto
Accounting Specialist
Loretta Yee
Administrative Assistant, SEIS/CALPADS
Momina Vishwa
Administrative Assistant, SEIS/CALPADS
Special Education Information
Program Services
The San Mateo-Foster City School District provides services for students who are found to be eligible for special education based on federal and state criteria. A wide range of placements and services are available to special education students based on their Individual Education Plans (IEPs). The District is committed to providing every student in special education with a high-quality, free and appropriate public education based on their unique, individual needs. We strive to establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all parents and families of special education students as we work together on behalf of students.
The San Mateo-Foster City School District offers Special Education programs and services for students that meet eligibility criteria specified in Federal and State law. Students eligible for Special Education have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that contains the goals, services, and/or placements developed and implemented by the IEP team. Special Education programs and services, which are all based on based on identified IEP goals, may include:
Resource Specialist Program provides direct academic instruction or, either in a pull-out or push-in model; as well as consultative services, to students in general education classes.
Special Day Classes are self-contained classes serving students (pre-K-8th grade) with more intensive learning needs for the majority of the school day. Classes range from Mild to Moderate (less intensive) to Severe (highly intensive). All special day class students have access to standards-based instruction regardless of the severity of their disabilities.
Related Services are provided for students who meet eligibility criteria specified in Federal and State Law. Designated Instructional Services include: Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Services, AAC, AT, Educationally Related Mental Health services
Special Education Acronyms
- AAC-Augmentative &Alternative Communication
- ABA-Applied Behavior Analysis
- ADA-American Disability Act
- ADD-Attention Deficit Disorder
- ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADI-Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised
- ADOS-Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale
- ALJ- Administrative Law Judge
- APE-Adapted Physical Education
- ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder
- AT-Assistive Technology
- AUT-Autism
- BA-Behavioral Aide
- BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst
- BD-Behavioral Disorder
- BICM-Behavior Intervention Case Manager
- BIP-Behavior Intervention Plan
- BSP-Behavior Support Plan
- CAC-Community Advisory Committee
- CAHSEE-California High School Exit Examination
- CARS- Childhood Autism Rating Scale
- CASP-California Association of School Psychologist
- CCR-California Code of Regulations
- CCS-California Children’s Services
- CDE-California Department of Education
- CEC-Council for Exceptional Children
- CFR-Code of Federal Regulations
- CHAT-Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
- CMH- County Mental Health
- DHH-Deaf & Hard of Hearing
- DIS-Designated Instruction & Services
- DMH-Department of Mental Health
- DSM-IV-Diagnostic & Statistical Manual
- ED-Emotional Disturbed
- EHA-Education for All Handicapped Children Act
- EL-English Learner
- ELS-English as a Second Language
- ESY- Extended School Year
- FAA-Functional Analysis Assessment
- FAPE-Free Appropriate Public Education
- FBA-Functional Behavior Assessment
- FERPA-Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
- HI-Hearing Impaired
- HOH-Hard of Hearing
- IA-Instructional Aide
- ID- Intellectual Delayed
- IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
- IEP-Individual Education Program
- IFSP-Individual Family Service Plan
- IPP-Individual Program Plan
- ISP-Individual Services Plan
- ITP-Individual Transition Plan
- IWEN-Individual with Exceptional Needs
- LCI-Licensed Children’s Institute
- LD-Learning Disability
- LEA-Local Education Agency
- LEP-Limited English Proficient
- LI-Learning Impaired
- LRE-Least Restrictive Environment
- MCHAT-Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
- MR-Mentally Retarded
- NCLB-No Child Left Behind
- NPA-Non-Public Agency
- NPS-Non-Public School
- OAH-Office of Administrative Hearings
- OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- OCR-Office for Civil Rights
- ODD-Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- OHI-Other Health Impaired
- OI-Orthopedically Impaired
- O&M. Orientation and Mobility
- OSEP-Office of Special Education Programs
- OT-Occupational Therapy
- PDD-Pervasive Developmental Disorder
- PDD-NOS- Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
- PECS-Picture Exchange Communication System
- PRT-Pivotal Response Therapy
- PT-Physical Therapy
- PWN-Prior Written Notice
- RSP-Resource Specialist Program
- RTI-Response to Intervention
- SBE-State Board of Education
- SDC-Special Day Class
- SELPA-Special Education Local Plan Area
- SLD-Specific Learning Disability
- SLI-Speech and Language Impaired
- SST-Student Study Team
- STAR-Standardized Testing & Reporting
- TBI-Traumatic Brain Injury
- TEACCH-Treatment & Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children
- USC-United State Code
- USDOE-United States Department of Education
- VI-Visually Impaired
Important CDE Notices
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
The following notices are from the California Department of Education regarding the Morgan Hill case (Notice of Disclosure of Records and Objection to the Disclosure of Information and Records). More information and questions can be obtained by calling 1-916-319-0800.
The San Mateo-Foster City School District is seeking young people from birth to eighth grade who may need special education services, including highly mobile (such as migrant or homeless) children with disabilities and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education. If you believe your child may have any of these special needs, please contact the San Mateo-Foster City School District Office at (650) 312-7700.